All about my 1st born

1. Epidural? - yes, suggested by the midwife because of the complication
2. Husband in the room? - Yes
3. Induced? - Yes
4. Normal? - Yes
5. Due Date? - 7th of December 2013
6. Birth Date? - 8th of December 2013
7. Morning sickness? - Everyday in the first three months of pregnancy and every single morning in the last three months of pregenancy until the labour day
8. Cravings? - Oncom, terasi, seblak, nutrisari, pempek, somay
9. Kilos gained? - 10kg.
10. Sex of the baby? - girl
11. Place you gave birth? - UMCG
12. Hours in labor room? - 16 hours
13. Baby's weight? - 3,3kg
14. Baby's Name? - Dinara Adharis
15. How old is your baby today? - 3y5m
16. Most memorable thing during pregnancy?
- it was on my 1st year of PhD and I (still) did the lab works (yeay!). Because I had a big belly and could not stand up for such a long time, I sat when I presented my literature discussion in my research group :)
17. Who is the obgyn? - Midwives Blue team of Verloskundige Stadspraktijk Groningen
Come on mamas! Let's hear your story! Copy and paste. Change my answers to yours.